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By Jonathan Beale Bbc News

Battle in East Ukraine Expected to be Bloody and Decisive

By Jonathan Beale, BBC News

Donbas, Ukraine

The long-anticipated Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine is now underway, and experts warn that it could be the bloodiest and most decisive phase of the war so far.

The offensive began in early April, with Russian forces launching a series of attacks along a broad front in the Donbas region. The region is home to a large Russian-speaking population, and Moscow has long claimed that it is protecting the rights of these people from the Ukrainian government.

Ukrainian forces have put up a fierce resistance, but they are outgunned and outmanned by the Russian forces. The fighting has been intense, with both sides suffering heavy casualties.

The outcome of the battle in the Donbas is likely to have a major impact on the course of the war. If Russia is able to capture the region, it will give Moscow a significant foothold in Ukraine and strengthen its negotiating position. If Ukraine is able to hold on to the Donbas, it will be a major setback for Russia and could lead to a protracted conflict.

The battle in the Donbas is expected to be bloody and costly. However, it could also be the turning point in the war and determine the future of Ukraine.
