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2024 Presidential Polls Average Candidate Update


2024 Presidential Polls: Average Candidate Update

The Race for the White House

The race for the White House is heating up, and the latest polls show a tight contest between the candidates. The Economist is tracking the contest and providing an up-to-date average of the polls for each candidate, taking into account the recency of each poll.

Polling Averages

The following table shows the average of the polls for each candidate, taking into account the recency of each poll:

Candidate Average
Joe Biden 48.5%
Donald Trump 45.0%
Other 6.5%

The table shows that Biden has a slight lead over Trump, but the race is still very close. It is still too early to say who will win the election, but the polls will continue to be closely watched in the coming months.

Electoral Map

The following electoral map shows the predicted winner of each state based on the Polymarket prediction market odds:

The map shows that Biden is predicted to win the popular vote, but Trump is predicted to win the electoral college. However, it is important to note that the electoral map is based on the current polls and could change as the election draws closer.

Polling Links

The following links provide access to all of the polls that were used to create the averages:

