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2024 Us Election Odds

2024 US Election Odds

National Presidential Polls: Who's Ahead?

Do Voters Want Republicans Or Democrats In 2024?

Here is a look at the US Election odds for 2024:

  • Donald Trump: 1/10
  • Joe Biden: 1/20
  • Gavin Newsom: 1/30

This is an electoral map based on the Polymarket prediction market odds for the 2024 presidential election. It will be updated every four days.

According to the latest polls, Republicans are slightly favored to win control of the House of Representatives in 2024. Democrats are favored to retain control of the Senate.

It is still early in the election cycle, and it is difficult to say who will ultimately win the presidency in 2024. However, the current odds suggest that Donald Trump is the favorite, followed by Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom.
